John Alderson Weddings

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Top 10 Things a Bride should remember on her Wedding Day

1. Eat and Stay Hydrated: Make sure to have a healthy breakfast and keep snacks and water nearby.

2. Take Moments for Herself: Take a few moments throughout the day to breathe, relax, and enjoy the moment.

3. Have a Timeline: Stick to the wedding day schedule to ensure everything runs smoothly.

4. Assign Tasks: Delegate tasks to trusted friends or family members to avoid getting overwhelmed.

5. Enjoy the Experience: Focus on enjoying the day rather than stressing over minor details.

6. Capture Memories: Take mental snapshots of special moments and have a photographer capture candid shots.

7. Keep Emergency Kit: Have a bridal emergency kit with items like safety pins, makeup touch-up supplies, and stain remover.

8. Connect with Your Partner: Spend a few private moments with your partner to soak in the significance of the day.

9. Stay Present: Be mindful and present, enjoying each part of the ceremony and reception.

10. Be Flexible: Understand that not everything will go perfectly, and that's okay. Embrace the day as it unfolds.